There are temporary changes to Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) packs distribution. This is a result of the Washington State Department of Health undergoing an audit of its program. Please:
- Stop giving out EPT packs.
- Give the patient a prescription for their partner to fill at their pharmacy of choice.
- Advise that the partner will need insurance to pick up the medication.
- If the partner is uninsured, refer them to a community health center for treatment.
Expedited Partner Therapy (EPT) provides for the treatment of sex partners of infected individuals. This treatment can be offered without requiring partners to be tested or seen by a healthcare provider.
All partners of patients who test positive for chlamydia or gonorrhea should be treated as if they are infected. Examine and treat all sex partners from the previous 60 days. If this is not possible, offer medication to all sex partners the patient is able to contact.
Gonorrhea EPT provides second-line therapy—patients taking only these oral medications should get a test of cure at the infected site 10 to 14 days after treatment.
EPT is intended for partners of lab-confirmed heterosexual cases. EPT isn’t appropriate for partners of men who have sex with men (MSM). Site-specific testing is required for all MSM partners prior to any STD treatment, due to their high risk of having other STDs, including HIV. MSM partners not tested and treated will be contacted by the Health Department about proper site-specific testing and treatment.